Kansas City, Missouri
September 27th & 28th

  • Presenters:
    Nadiyah Ahmad
    Aneesah Dawan
  • Levels:
    Beginners & Advanced
  • Days & Times:
    Friday, Sept 27th TBD
    Saturday, Sept 28th
    9:30am - 5:00pm

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The Islamic Learning Institute, Inc. (ILI) has a strong focus on teaching Qur'aanic Arabic and motivating students to love reading Al-Qur'aan.  This two-day Intensive is a part of our "2024 Year of The Qur'aan Tour."  It is meant to inspire and encourage participants to commit to learning Qur'aanic Arabic and improving their relationship with Allah through the Qur'aan.  This family friendly event is open to all skill levels.

Day 1 will set the tone providing insights from the Qur'aan conditioning the heart to receive its message.  Day 2 will provide two concurrent sessions for beginners and advanced readers of Qur'aan.  The beginner's session will include a unique and memorable way to learn the alphabet and the basic skills for reading Arabic. The advanced session will include some of the basic tajweed rules for reading Arabic with proficiency. Both sessions aim to leave participants knowing, "You can learn Qur'aanic Arabic!"


Nadiyah Ahmad
Nadiyah Ahmad is the Director of Islamic Learning Institute. She has worked for 24 years alongside her late husband, Imam Qasim Ahmed (RA) in building and growing ILI. Sister Nadiyah holds a BS in Education and a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. As a lifelong educator in both private and public sectors, Sister Nadiyah uses her curriculum and instruction background to create learning materials and programs for ILI.
Aneesah Dawan
Hajjah Aneesah Dawan serves as an Advisory SHURAA member and Assistant Director of the islamic learning institute. A life-long student of Qur'aan, Aneesah studied under Imam Qasim Ahmed (ra) for many years.  She has both secular and religious training with a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies, as well as a 2-year Arabic Language Certification from Abu Nour University in Damascus, Syria.