ramadan session 2022

Allah's Names and Attributes: A Primer for the Seeker

The Prophet (SAW) said the following about Al-Asmaa ul-Husnaa. "Allah has 99 names. Whoever memorizes and embraces these qualities will enter heaven." (Bukhari)

This session will introduce the importance of Allah's name and attributes as they relate to Allah and His servants. We will explore the meaning and significance of learning the names and attributes as a whole and use Suuratul Hashr for details about the attributes in selected ayaat.


& Thursday
April 27th-28th


6-7:30PM (EST)
3-4:30PM (PST)






Hajjah Olaiya Humphrey

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our blessed presenter

Olaiyah Humphrey

Hajjah Olaiya Humphrey has served as Marketing Director and provided technical expertise to ILI advancing its online presence. Olaiya holds a BS in Business Administration and has used her skills to create training courses in the corporate sector. She is a student of Qur'aan with a broad scope of studies through Emory University, the Muslim American Logic Institute and directly with Imam Qasim Ahmed (RA) and Sister Nadiyah Ahmad with ILI. Courses Taught: Introduction to Qur'aanic Arabic
Patrick Jones - Course author