Young Scholars arabic Writing & Words 1 - NASKH
This course is designed specifically for our Young Scholars to learn the foundational Arabic handwriting script of Khat Naskh while building on Qur'aanic vocabulary. Students will learn how to properly form each Arabic letter and its variants, while utilizing their skills to write out and build on their Qur'aanic vocabulary. The hand and eye coordination will aid in increasing the students familiarity with Arabic and provide a faster recognition and recall when engaging with the Qur'aan. Students will gain some understanding of Arabic Calligraphy via special projects and may use calligraphy nibs during the course to build additional writing skills.
Course Pre-Requisites: Young Scholars Introduction to Qur'aanic Arabic - Level 1 or Course Equivalent
Course Pre-Requisites: Young Scholars Introduction to Qur'aanic Arabic - Level 1 or Course Equivalent
Day & Time: Sunday 4:00PM-5:30PM (CST)5:00PM-6:30PM (EST) / 2:00PM-3:30PM (PST)
aneesah dawan -
12-Week Winter
Semester Dates:January 1 - March 24, 2023

Why should our Young Scholars learn Arabic Handwriting?
Learn In a Community of Care
Weekly Live Sessions
Improved Sight Reading
Vocabulary Building
Build Full Qur'aanic Literacy
Individual Attention
Aneesah Dawan
Hajjah Aneesah Dawan serves as an Advisory Committee member and Assistant Director of ILI. A life-long student of Qur'aan, Aneesah studied under Imam Qasim Ahmed (ra) for many years. She has both secular and religious training with a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies, as well as a 2-year Arabic Language Certification from Abu Nour University in Damascus, Syria. Aneesah has some course study in Arabic Handwriting and Calligraphy, and is self-taught in the English calligraphy styles of Italics and Copperplate.